Ich habe die Stoneman Family vor längerer Zeit entdeckt. Ich war sofort von den Auftritten der Band begeistert, besonders von Donna Stoneman an der Mandoline. Später habe ich gelesen dass Roni Stoneman als „The First Lady Of Banjo“ bezeichnet wird.
Ein schönes Beispel mit Donna Stoneman ist das folgende Video:
Donna ist ständig in Bewegung, sie tanzt, sprint herum, und spielt gleichzeitig mit viel Energie auf ihrer Mandoline.

Das folgende Video enthält die wichtigsten Informationen zur Biografie der Stoneman Family.
Stoneman Family Bio
The Stoneman Family – Goin Up Cripple Creek
Goin up Crepple Creek ist eines der bekanntesten Stücke der Stoneman Family:
Playliste Stoneman Family
Weitere Informationen
Wikipedia über Earnest Stoneman (engl.)
She is truly one of the great banjo masters of our time. She continues to play as strong as anyone you will hear that has ever picked up a banjo. A true Legend in her own lifetime.
She has earned and is undisputedly known as: „The First Lady Of Banjo“
Bio Earnest Stoneman / Stoneman Family
Pop and Hattie Stoneman’s children were born musicians. Every member of the family has made recordings, many under labels such as MGM and RCA Victor, and most have performed in the most prestigious venues. They had no musical training, but when their names are mentioned in the country music circles, e.g. – Donna, mandolin; Roni, banjo; Scott, fiddle; Gene, guitar; Jim, bass they are legendary. The family first appeared nationally on the „Jimmy Dean TV Variety Show.“ „The Grand Ole Opry“ followed in 1962, and in 1966, they hosted their own syndicated television series „Those Stonemans.“ In 1967, The Stoneman Family was presented the first CMA Award as Vocal Group of the Year. They have participated in two motion pictures, have been nominated four additional times to the CMA Award presentations and several CMA nominations for Instrumental Group of the Year, and have traveled Europe extensively. Pop and Hattie’s family has also made hundreds upon hundreds of professional recordings.