OML – Das Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana aus Slowenien – Konzert 2012 – Music from the Land of the Rising Sun

Das Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana – das einzige Mandolinenorchester in Slowenien – besteht seit mehr als 30 Jahren. Bei youtube findet man eine Reihe von Videos mit diesem Orchester, darunter auch einen kompletten Mittschnitt des Konzertes vom Mai dieses Jahres.

Text von der Facebook-Seite:

The Mandolina Ljubljana Orchestra is the only ensemble in Slovenia, whose members have chosen the mandolin as their companion on their musical journey. In Slovenia the mandolin has only recently been given a more significant role in various musical styles, from classical to pop. We, the members of the orchestra feel honoured and obligated to make the audience more familiar with this mellifluous plucked string instrument and to bring to their ears genuine mandolin music. In our repertoire there are also compositions written by classical composers, arrangements of folk tunes, film music and evergreens. We have had numerous successful appearances at home and abroad in more than thirty years of our performing. This, good critics and more and more satisfied audiences, assure us that we are on the right path.

Das Programm 2012 stand unter dem Motto „Music from the land of the rising sun“ und enthielt klassische Werke und Originalkompositionen für Zupforchester von Komponisten aus Japan:

Music from the land of the rising sun

Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana with conductor Andrej Zupan

This summer season your beloved OML will be performing original compositions by Yasuo Kuwahara, Hiro Fujikake, Takashi Kubota, Yoshinao Kobayashi and other Japanese composers. Traditional Japanese motifs and specific playing styles give these compositions, writen specifically for mandolin orchestra, the distinct eastern-oriental character, yet for the keen ear the influence of traditional as well as modern school of European musical thought, most noticeably Spanish and Balkan, can be easily recognized.

Playlist – Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana

koncert 23.05.2012 – Slovenska filharmonija – Glazba dežele vzhajajočega sonca

Im Dezember 2010 gab das Orchester ein Konzert mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm mit Pop-Songs und internationalen Hits, darunter Hits wie Oye Como Va, Tico Tico oder I Shot The Sherriff:

Playlist Konzert 2010

Weitere Informationen

Website Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana:

Facebook Orkester Mandolina Ljubljana:

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